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Undergraduate students

 I will be able to mentor a limited number of undergraduate students each semester to work on their thesis research projects/honors projects. Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology also offers minor in Plant Pathology.

To apply to work in my laboratory, please send me the following.  

1.  An CV or resume indicating your past work and/or research experiences.

2.  A separate document detailing why you are interested in research and particularly plant pathology, and how you think you would fit in my research program; what you would like to achieve in your research project (hands-on molecular biology tools, comparative genomics studies, etc). 

There are several opportunities for undergraduate research fellowships available. I have listed few of them here. Some of these fellowships provide support for research over summer or over the year. I strongly encourage students to consider applying for these fellowships. I am happy to work with the stduents in developing research projects for their applications. However, if you are interested in applying for these fellowships to work in my lab, I highly recommend contacting me in advance (atleast a month before application deadline). 


Auburn University, Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

NSF Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

ASM Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

ASPB Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

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