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Peer-reviewed Publications (For recent updates, refer to Google Scholar Page).

Refereed Journal Articles (Students/post-docs from our lab are indicated with an asterisk. Authors contributing equally are indicated by #. Student authors who conducted sequence data analysis as a part of class project in Omics course are indicated by $).



Dia, N.C., Moriniere, L., Osdaghi, E., Bernal, E., Jacobs, J., Cottyn, B., Koebnik, R., Potnis, N., Pothier, J. Xanthomonas hortorum: a Species  Complex or a Complex Species? Molecular Plant Pathology, Pathogen Profile. Molecular Plant Pathology.


Osdaghi, E., Sharma, A., Goss, E.M., Abrahamian, P., Newberry, E*., Potnis, N., Carvalho, R., Choudhary, M., Paret, M., Timilsina, S., Vallad, G., Jones, J.B. 2021. A Centenary for Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Pepper. Molecular Plant Pathology, Pathogen Profile. Early View.

Liyanapathiranage, P. *, Jones, J.B., Potnis N. A mutation of a single core gene, tssM, of type VI secretion system of Xanthomonas perforans influences virulence, epiphytic survival and transmission. Phytopathology. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-02-21-0069-R


Osdaghi, E., Sharma, A., Goss, E.M., Abrahamian, P., Newberry, E., Potnis, N., Carvalho, R., Choudhary, M., Paret, M., Timilsina, S., Vallad, G., Jones, J.B. A Centenary for Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Pepper. Molecular Plant Pathology, Pathogen Profile. Early View.


Potnis, N. 2021. Harnessing Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Xanthomonads on Tomato and Pepper to Tackle New Problems of an Old Disease. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 59 (1): null.


Stam, R., Gladieux, P., Vinatzer, B. A., Goss, E. M., Potnis, N., Candresse, T., Brewer, M. T. 2021. Population Genomic- and Phylogenomic-Enabled Advances to Increase Insight Into Pathogen Biology and Epidemiology. Phytopathology 111 (1): 8–11.


Shantharaj, D., Williams, M. A., Potnis, N., Liles, M. R. 2021. Burkholderia Gladioli C101 Metabolites Protect Tomato Plants against Xanthomonas Perforans Infection. J Plant Dis Prot, 128 (2): 379–390.


Ge, Q., Liu, R., Cobine, P. A., Potnis, N., De La Fuente, L. 2021. Phenotypic and Phylogenetic Characterization of Cu Homeostasis among Xylella Fastidiosa Strains. Pathogens 10 (4): 495.​


Timilsina, S.#, Potnis, N.#, Newberry, E.*, Liyanapathiranage, P.*$, White, F.F., Goss, E., Jones, J.B. 2020. Xanthomonas Diversity, Virulence and Plant-pathogen Interactions. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 18, 415-427.


Newberry, E.*, Bhandari, R.*, Kemble, J., Sikora, E., and Potnis, N. 2020. Genome-Resolved Metagenomics to Study Co-Occurrence Patterns and Intraspecific Heterogeneity among Plant Pathogen Metapopulations. Environmental Microbiology 22(7):2693-2708.


An, S.-Q., Potnis, N., Dow, M., Vorhölter, F.-J., He, Y.-Q., Becker, A., Teper, D., Li, Y., Wang,  N., Bleris, L., and Tang, J.-L. Mechanistic Insights into Host Adaptation, Virulence and Epidemiology of the Phytopathogen Xanthomonas. FEMS Microbiol Rev, 44 (1): 1–32.​

Newberry, E. A.*, Bhandari, R.*, Minsavage, G. V., Timilsina, S., Jibrin, M. O., Kemble, J., Sikora, E. J., Jones, J.B., Potnis, N. 2019. Independent Evolution with the Gene Flux Originating from Multiple Xanthomonas Species Explains Genomic Heterogeneity in Xanthomonas Perforans. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85 (20).


Abrahamian, P., Timilsina, S., Minsavage, G. V., Potnis, N., Jones, J. B., Goss, E. M., Vallad, G. E. 2019. Molecular Epidemiology of Xanthomonas Perforans Outbreaks in Tomato Plants from Transplant to Field as Determined by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85 (18).


Potnis, N., Kandel, P., Merfa, M.$, Retchless, A., Parker, J., Stenger, D., Almeida, R., Bergsma-Vlami, M., Westenberg, M., Cobine, P., De La Fuente, L. 2019. Patterns of inter- and intra-subspecific homologous recombination inform eco-evolutionary dynamics of Xylella fastidiosa. ISME Journal. 13 (9): 2319–2333


Potnis, N., Branham, S.E., Jones, J.B., Wechter, W.P., 2019. Genome-wide Association Study of Resistance to Xanthomonas gardneri in USDA Pepper (Capsicum) Collection. Phytopathology. 109(7): 1217-1225.


Newberry, E.A*., Ebrahim, M., Timilsina, S., Zlatković, N., Obradović, A., Bull, C.T., Goss, E.M., Huguet-Tapia, J.C., Paret, M.L., Jones, J.B., Potnis, N., 2019. Inference of Convergent Gene Acquisition Among Pseudomonas syringae Strains Isolated From Watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Squash. Front. Microbiol. 10.


Timilsina, S., Pereira-Martin, J.A., Minsavage, G.V., Iruegas Bocardo, F., Abrahamian, P., Potnis, N., Kolaczkowski, B., Vallad, G.E., Goss, E.M., Jones, J., 2019. Multiple Recombination Events Drive the Current Genetic Structure of Xanthomonas perforans in Florida. Front. Microbiol. 10.​


Jibrin, M.O., Potnis, N., Timilsina, S., Minsavage, G.V., Vallad, G.E., Roberts, P.D., Jones, J.B., Goss, E.M., 2018. Genomic Inference of Recombination-Mediated Evolution in Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and X. perforans. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 84, e00136-18.


Timilsina, S., Kara, S., Jacques, M.A., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G., Vallad, G.E., Jones, J.B., Fischer-Le Saux, M. 2018. Reclassification of Xanthomonas gardneri (ex Sutic 1957) Jones et al 2006 as a later heterotypic synonym of Xanthomonas cynarae Trebaol et al. 2000 and description of X. cynarae pv. cynarae and X. cynarae pv. gardneri based on whole genome analyses. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. https://doi:10.11099/ijsem.0.003104


Gochez, A.M., Huguet-Tapia, J.C., Minsavage, G.V., Shantaraj, D., Jalan, N., Strauß, A., Lahaye, T., Wang, N., Canteros, B.I., Jones, J.B., Potnis, N., 2018. Pacbio Sequencing of Copper-tolerant Xanthomonas citri Reveals Presence of a Chimeric Plasmid Structure and Provides Insights into Reassortment and Shuffling of Transcription Activator-like Effectors among X. citri Strains. BMC Genomics 19, 16.

Behlau, F., Gochez, A.M., Lugo, A.J., Elibox, W., Minsavage, G.V., Potnis, N., White, F.F., Ebrahim, M., Jones, J.B., Ramsubhag, A., 2017. Characterization of a Unique Copper Resistance Gene Cluster in Xanthomonas campestris Isolated in Trinidad, West Indies. Eur J Plant Pathol 147, 671–681.


Gochez, A.M., Shantharaj, D., Potnis, N., Zhou, X., Minsavage, G.V., White, F.F., Wang, N., Hurlbert, J.C., Jones, J.B., 2017. Molecular Characterization of XopAG Effector AvrGf2 from Xanthomonas fuscans ssp. aurantifolii in Grapefruit. Molecular Plant Pathology 18, 405–419.​


Peng, Z., Hu, Y., Xie, J., Potnis, N., Akhunova, A., Jones, J., Liu, Z., White, F.F., Liu, S., 2016. Long Read and Single Molecule DNA Sequencing Simplifies Genome Assembly and TAL effector Gene Analysis of Xanthomonas translucens. BMC Genomics 17, 21.


Timilsina, S., Abrahamian, P., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G.V., White, F.F., Staskawicz, B.J., Jones, J.B., Vallad, G.E., Goss, E.M., 2016. Analysis of Sequenced Genomes of Xanthomonas perforans Identifies Candidate Targets for Resistance Breeding in Tomato. Phytopathology 106, 1097–1104.​


Potnis, N., Timilsina, S., Strayer, A., Shantharaj, D., Barak, J.D., Paret, M.L., Vallad, G.E., Jones, J.B., 2015. Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Pepper: Diverse Xanthomonas Species With a Wide Variety of Virulence Factors Posing a Worldwide Challenge. Molecular Plant Pathology 16, 907–920.


Schwartz, A.R.#, Potnis, N.#, Timilsina, S., Wilson, M., Patané, J., Martins, J.J., Minsavage, G.V., Dahlbeck, D., Akhunova, A., Almeida, N., Vallad, G.E., Barak, J.D., White, F.F., Miller, S.A., Ritchie, D., Goss, E., Bart, R.S., Setubal, J.C., Jones, J.B., Staskawicz, B.J., 2015. Phylogenomics of Xanthomonas Field Strains Infecting Pepper and Tomato Reveals Diversity in Effector Repertoires and Identifies Determinants of Host Specificity. Front. Microbiol. 6.


Timilsina, S., Jibrin, M.O., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G.V., Kebede, M., Schwartz, A., Bart, R., Staskawicz, B., Boyer, C., Vallad, G.E., Pruvost, O., Jones, J.B., Goss, E.M., 2015. Multilocus Sequence Analysis of Xanthomonads Causing Bacterial Spot of Tomato and Pepper Plants Reveals Strains Generated by Recombination among Species and Recent Global Spread of Xanthomonas gardneri. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81, 1520–1529.


Potnis, N., Colee, J., Jones, J.B., Barak, J.D., 2015. Plant Pathogen-Induced Water-Soaking Promotes Salmonella enterica Growth on Tomato Leaves. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81, 8126–8134.


Rockey, W., Potnis, N., Timilsina, S., Hong, J.C., Vallad, G.E., Jones, J.B., Norman, D.J., 2015. Multilocus Sequence Analysis Reveals Genetic Diversity in Xanthomonads Associated With Poinsettia Production. Plant Disease 99, 874–882.​


Jibrin, M.O., Timilsina, S., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G.V., Shenge, K.C., Akpa, A.D., Alegbejo, M.D., Beed, F., Vallad, G.E., Jones, J.B., 2014. First Report of Atypical Xanthomonas euvesicatoria Strains Causing Bacterial Spot of Tomato in Nigeria. Plant Disease 99, 415–415.


Potnis, N., Soto-Arias, J.P., Cowles, K.N., Bruggen, A.H.C. van, Jones, J.B., Barak, J.D., 2014. Xanthomonas perforans Colonization Influences Salmonella enterica in the Tomato Phyllosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80, 3173–3180.


Kebede, M., Timilsina, S., Ayalew, A., Admassu, B., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G.V., Goss, E.M., Hong, J.C., Strayer, A., Paret, M., Jones, J.B., Vallad, G.E., 2014. Molecular Characterization of Xanthomonas Strains Responsible for Bacterial Spot of Tomato in Ethiopia. Eur J Plant Pathol 140, 677–688.

Goss, E.M., Potnis, N., Jones, J.B., 2013. Grudgingly Sharing Their Secrets: New Insight Into The Evolution of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. New Phytologist 199, 630–632.​


Potnis, N., Minsavage, G., Smith, J.K., Hurlbert, J.C., Norman, D., Rodrigues, R., Stall, R.E., Jones, J.B., 2011. Avirulence Proteins AvrBs7 from Xanthomonas gardneri and AvrBs1.1 from Xanthomonas euvesicatoria Contribute to a Novel Gene-for-Gene Interaction in Pepper. MPMI 25, 307–320.


Ryan, R.P., Vorhölter, F.-J., Potnis, N., Jones, J.B., Van Sluys, M.-A., Bogdanove, A.J., Dow, J.M., 2011. Pathogenomics of Xanthomonas: Understanding Bacterium–Plant Interactions. Nature Reviews Microbiology 9, 344–355.


Potnis, N., Krasileva, K., Chow, V., Almeida, N.F., Patil, P.B., Ryan, R.P., Sharlach, M., Behlau, F., Dow, J.M., Momol, M., White, F.F., Preston, J.F., Vinatzer, B.A., Koebnik, R., Setubal, J.C., Norman, D.J., Staskawicz, B.J., Jones, J.B., 2011. Comparative Genomics Reveals Diversity Among Xanthomonads Infecting Tomato and Pepper. BMC Genomics 12, 146.​


Moreira, L.M., Almeida, N.F., Potnis, N., Digiampietri, L.A., Adi, S.S., Bortolossi, J.C., da Silva, A.C., da Silva, A.M., de Moraes, F.E., de Oliveira, J.C., de Souza, R.F., Facincani, A.P., Ferraz, A.L., Ferro, M.I., Furlan, L.R., Gimenez, D.F., Jones, J.B., Kitajima, E.W., Laia, M.L., Leite, R.P., Nishiyama, M.Y., Rodrigues Neto, J., Nociti, L.A., Norman, D.J., Ostroski, E.H., Pereira, H.A., Staskawicz, B.J., Tezza, R.I., Ferro, J.A., Vinatzer, B.A., Setubal, J.C., 2010. Novel Insights Into the Genomic Basis of Citrus Canker Based on the Genome Sequences of Two Strains of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii. BMC Genomics 11, 238.​


White, F.F., Potnis, N., Jones, J.B., Koebnik, R., 2009. The Type III Effectors of Xanthomonas. Molecular Plant Pathology 10, 749–766.


Book Chapters


Potnis, N., Setubal, J.C., Bart, R., Shantharaj, D., Jones, J.B., 2016. CHAPTER 10: High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Technology as a Tool in Understanding Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria, in Virulence Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria, Bacteriology. The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 183–196.


Pruvost, O., Robene, I., Escalon, E., Leduc, A., Gagnevin, L., Verniere, C., Wang, N., Schwartz, H., Gent, D., Rott, P., Royer, M., Alvarez, A., Vowell, T., Toves, P., White, F.F., Potnis, N., Jones, J.B. 2016. CHAPTER 21: The dynamic world of the Genus Xanthomonas. in Virulence Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria, Bacteriology. The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 381-418.

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