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Interested in joining our research group?


If you are interested in joining our research program, please contact me at

Undergraduate students

 I will be able to mentor a limited number of undergraduate students each semester to work on their thesis research projects/honors projects. Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology also offers minor in Plant Pathology.

To apply to work in my laboratory, please send me the following.  

1.  An CV or resume indicating your past work and/or research experiences.

2.  A separate document detailing why you are interested in research and particularly plant pathology, and how you think you would fit in my research program; what you would like to achieve in your research project (hands-on molecular biology tools, comparative genomics studies, etc). 

There are several opportunities for undergraduate research fellowships available. I have listed few of them here. Some of these fellowships provide support for research over summer or over the year. I strongly encourage students to consider applying for these fellowships. I am happy to work with the stduents in developing research projects for their applications. However, if you are interested in applying for these fellowships to work in my lab, I highly recommend contacting me in advance (atleast a month before application deadline). 


Auburn University, Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

NSF Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

ASM Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

ASPB Undergraduate Research Fellowships:

Graduate students

The Potnis Lab in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University is looking for a motivated graduate student interested in building a strong foundation in pathogen biology, ecology, evolution and bioinformatics. The position is available beginning Spring of 2022, but could start earlier than Spring 2022. Prospective graduate student will have opportunity to work on a NSF-funded project that aims to investigate the mechanistic basis of host range in plant pathogenic bacteria. This project will integrate molecular biology, bacterial genetics, evolution and ecology principles, and omics tools to advance our understanding of plant-bacterial interactions.

If you have any questions about this opening or would like to know more details on the project, feel free to contact me (


B.S. degree in biology, microbiology, or a related field, received or expected before start date.

Previous experience in a research setting.

Applicant must be able to work both independently and with others within a research team.

Excellent organization, communication, and interpersonal skills.


M.S. degree in biology, microbiology, or a related field with a record of publication.

Experience in molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics.

To apply for graduate research assistantship in my lab, please send me the following as a single pdf file.  

1.  An CV or resume detailing your past work and research experiences, transcripts; and contact details for three professional references.

2.  A cover letter (2-3 paragraphs) explaining  why you are interested in doing research, why you think your interests fit with my laboratory, and how you meet the requirements outlined above. 


The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University offers competitive graduate student fellowships. Please visit the following website for additional details on fellowships and how to apply to the graduate school.

I also encourage students to consider additional funding opportunities including: 


1) Auburn University, Cell and Molecular Biology Assistantships 

 • Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) to cover tuition  • Required laboratory rotations, giving students time to learn advanced laboratory skills & experience various areas of research opportunities  • Deadline for receipt of applications is February 1st.  For information and application materials see:

2) National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship Program:

Summer Research Experience for High-school students and Teachers


Summer Research Fellowship opportunities for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS

MGE-SRF (Microbial Genomics and Evolution- Summer Research Fellowship) is a program which provides both molecular training and research opportunities to students. The program will focus on implementing scientific methodology using lab-based and computational-based techniques to study Ecology and Evolution of Micro-organisms. This program is based in Molecular Ecology lab (Dr. Neha Potnis, Principal Investigator) in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University.


  • Students will be able to participate in a program that includes organized presentations, demo of lab techniques and instrumentation, and hands-on experience in Molecular Biology techniques, Computational Biology using datasets generated as a part of ongoing research projects in the lab. Potnis lab research spans from microbial genetics to microbiome science.

  • This two-week program will also feature guest lectures from faculty members from Auburn University working on research related to Ecology and Evolution as well as professional development opportunities.

  • Students participating in this program will get training and mentorship in developing regional science fair project as well as continued support to carry out the project.

  • Students will receive $1000 stipend for participating in this program.


Application deadline: April 30th , 2023.

Program dates for students: June 20th-30th, 2023

Email your applications to :


Summer Research Fellowship opportunities for HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS

MGE-SRF (Microbial Genomics and Evolution- Summer Research Fellowship) is a program which provides both molecular training and research opportunities to students. The program will focus on implementing scientific methodology using lab-based and computational-based techniques to study Ecology and Evolution of Micro-organisms. This program is based in a Molecular Ecology lab (Dr. Neha Potnis, Principal Investigator) in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University.


• Students will participate in a two-week program and their teachers will join them for the second week of the program. The program includes organized presentations, demo of lab techniques and instrumentation, and hands-on experience in Molecular Biology techniques, Computational Biology using datasets generated as a part of ongoing research projects in the lab.


• This program will also feature guest lectures from faculty members from Auburn University working on research related to Ecology and Evolution as well as professional development opportunities.


• We have developed educational modules to teach evolutionary and ecological concepts that teachers will be able to utilize in the classroom teaching or work with us to adapt to your curriculum. This program can also be a foundation for creating new enrichment modules.


• MGE-SRF program will allow exchange of ideas among students and teachers for designing projects for a Science fair competition. Students participating in this program will get training and mentorship in developing regional science fair project as well as continued support to carry out the project.


• Teachers will receive $1000 stipend for their participation in this program.


Application deadline: April 30th , 2023.

Program dates for students: June 20th-30th, 2023

Program dates for teachers: June 26th-June 30th, 2023

Email me at if you are interested in participating in this program.

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